Why should we eat the rainbow? We all know we should be eating more fruits and vegetables to become healthier. And we also know about vitamins and minerals, but what about the different colors of vegetables. Could these phytonutrients tell us something? And maybe even have benefits? Let’s find out about phytonutrients.



The greek word Phyto translates to plant, and nutrient translates to a substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and for growth. So phytonutrient literally means: a substance from a plant that nourishes the plant itself for maintenance and of life and growth.

In other words, phytonutrients are chemical compounds that a plant makes to protect itself so that it can grow bigger and more powerful.

Now every plant grows in a different environment, it needs a different kind of soil and neighbors. Which means that different plants, also need different protection. Which is one of the many reasons why plants have different colors, because every different color is a different phytonutrient that protects the plant and protects and cleanses us in a different way. So let’s get in to the different colors and phytonutrients.



The phytonutrient most available in Green vegetables and minerals are: Zeaxanthin, Isothiocyanate and Lutein. These nutrients help our body detoxify, to extract the garbage from our cells and also flush them out. Through this the Green veggies increase your daily energy, feed our gut and increase our good mood. All the while boosting our immune system, and strengthening our bones.

The Green foods we like to eat weekly are:

  • Arugula
  • Peas
  • Zuccini
  • Kiwi
  • Avocado
  • Green apple
  • Kale
  • Broccoli


Carotenoids, a phytonutrient that your body transforms into vitamin A, is naturally available in orange and yellow vegetables. This phytonutrient improves our eye health, it helps to keep our body hydrated and the skin even colored. But carotenoids also help speeding up the regeneration of the cells, it boosts our immune system and helps us to stay focused and be more creative.

The orange and yellow foods we like to eat weekly are:

  • Grapefruit
  • Sweet potato
  • Carrot
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches
  • Banana
  • Oranges
  • Yellow bell pepper

Purple/ Blues

The third color we will discuss is Purples/blues, full of the phytonutrient called: Anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins is the anti-aging nutrient. It helps to prepare the cell damage that comes from again, radiation or injury. It protect the body from disease and radiation and it helps to decrease inflammation.

Our favorite purples:

  • Blueberries
  • Purple cabbage
  • Purple potatoes
  • Prunes
  • Red grabes
  • Blackberries

White/ Brown

Quercetin and anthocyanidins are both phytonutrients that can be found in white/brown vegetables. They are immune boosting, and helps to recovery from sickness faster, the whites are anti-inflammatory and are just the best to increase when feeling sick or coming into flu season.

White/ brown veggies:

  • Mushrooms
  • Potatol
  • Califlower
  • Onion
  • Garlic


Red fruits and vegetables are our personal favourites. Full of Lycopene and Ellagic acid that bring more benefits than one. The reds are grounding, they cleanse our blood, and stabilize our blood pressure whether too high or low. And through all of this both phytonutrients promote heart health.

The red vegetables and fruits we eat weekly:

  • Red bell/peppers
  • Red apples
  • Cranberries
  • Pomegranate
  • Beets
  • Tomatoes

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